6 MONTH VIP 1:1 immersion
Ditch the confusion, ignite your dreams, get crystal clear on your purpose, and live an aligned and abundant life in 6 months!
✦ Are you putting up a brave face at a corporate job or running a business, but dreading every moment of constant grind, over-giving, overdoing and feeling exhausted by the end of the day?
✦ Do you feel like you have desires that are sitting untapped as you take care of everyone else’s needs and desires before your own?
✦Are you a chronic people pleaser and find it hard to own your truth and speak it up with confidence?
✦Do you find yourself constantly wishing to have clarity, passion, purpose and confidence to manifest the life of your dreams?
There’s an easier way
You don’t have to constantly sacrifice the desire for lushious aligned relationships, flow, deep level of self-trust, love and epic juiciness into your life. It’s time to honour your individuality, step into your unique essence and embrace life from a place of unshakable confidence, intuition and a renewed sense of energy.
You don’t have to constantly dumb yourself down, self loath or take cues from others to fit in! This is your past now. It’s time to own who you are, embrace life from a place of unshakable radiant confidence and power.
I want to guide you into carving your unique beautiful essence which is aligned to your highest potential. I want to see you rise, Let me take you on a transformative journey home to your innate wisdom. We will align your mind, body and soul to become the perfect vessel for the divine purpose, passion and confidence to channel through you and manifest the life you deeply desire.
I want to claim confidence and powerEradicate self-doubt, constant self-sabotage and second-guessing every single desire that arises and
move forward with alignment, integration, grace, confidence and purpose.
Are you ready to become a sacred on-fire being
who rides the train of love, abundance, vibrant mental,
physical & spiritual health?
✦ Clear the fear, pain, and drama around what the eff you’re meant to be doing with your precious life!
✦ Discover inner peace as you uncover your powerful AF integrated essence! And welcome a deeper level of self-trust!
✦ Awaken your treasure trove of natural gifts, creativity and abilities and watch the abundance flow into your life.
✦ Remove restrictive beliefs around your purpose and shift into the realm of limitless potential where you’ll be singing at the top of your lungs, “I’VE GOT THE POWER TO CREATE MY DREAMS”! Guilt and Shame free
✦ Hone your intuition and become your most powerful guide! No more outsourcing feeling safe and love out of NEED!
Here’s what I want you to know about the level of my work and how I’m unlike every other coach out there…
Not every coach
✦ Is a certified Vedic counsellor, Professional Indian classical dancer, Meditator, and Mother and loves life in its entirety.
✦ Is trained in Vipassana, meditation, floatation tanks, Tantra, Ayurvedic lifestyle, Meditation and Indian classical dance.
✦ Works with the fundamental level of vibration.
✦ Is honest, caring and nonjudgmental because she has experienced the pain and the resilience within to stand in her power.
✦ Honour creativity, materialistic abundance and spirituality with the same intensity.
✦ Is deeply rooted in experiential wisdom. I am not here to share lecture room knowledge, I take pride in bringing you the magic of learning through direct experience which is grounded in the deepest core of your being.
I have been there! I know what it feels like to constantly live in fear, not owning your voice, disjointed relationships, loneliness, and a deep sense of disconnect. I have felt it all, experienced it all and risen above it all! 7 years ago I was not the guiding factor of my life. I was living in India, drowning under the expectations and limitations of a conservative and orthodox society. I felt lost, with no connection to my true self. I hit rock bottom and had no option but to redefine “WHO AM I”. It was not a choice! It was a necessity. Otherwise, I literally couldn’t live with myself! And so my journey to self-discovery began.
I started practising Vipassana, Vedic thought and lifestyle, and Ayurveda. I became a mother to a beautiful being, lover, Indian classical dancer, singer and business owner…. Rewiring my subconscious merged with integrated self-expression led me to realise my true infinite power! I tapped into fathomless power, confidence, courage, and feminine radiance which was sourced from within me. The pure oneness with it all, Once I tapped into the divine source of energy, playing small was not an option! Coming from India I have eastern roots and living in Australia led me to adopt western systems!
Leading me to create a well-balanced, life-changing, powerful, integrated holistic lifestyle and mindset which gives you the best of both worlds. Imbibing physical and spiritual health, radiating confidence, courage, deep love, crystal clear vision, laser-sharp focus, self-trust and self-belief like nothing else! So, It’s my passion to help you fully honour your unique individuality, cultivate a deep sense of knowing and shine out in the modern world like never before!